Illness Policies


Your child could become ill by catching a virus, (a.k.a. germs, bacteria): from other children at school, from you (after getting something from work or elsewhere), from neighbors, from brothers and sisters, etc. Viruses are transferred by touching others, breathing airborne viruses, touching items with viruses on them etc.

Colds are not caused by cold weather, rain, exposure to cold, air conditioning, or changes in temperature. The ONLY way to catch a cold is to be infected by a virus.

The chart below shows some common illnesses that young children could contract. The illness name is listed on the left side of the chart and on right-hand our general school policies on school attendance with these illnesses are listed.  The Klubhouse reserves the right to exclude any child from school at anytime if they are presenting symptoms of common illnesses.  If your child visits a doctor, please ask for a return authorization note. Even with a note we reserves the right to refuse attendance at anytime for any reason.

Illness Prevention Tips

Children are going to get sick sometimes, but there are helpful ways to minimize the spread of germs.

  • Basic hygiene and hand washing are key. Teach your kids good hand washing techniques, such as using warm water and plenty of antibacterial soap, as well as when they need to wash their hands, such as after using the restroom and before eating.
  • Keep your kids at home when they’re sick. Because diseases can spread so rapidly in a school setting, it’s important to keep them home whenever they’re sick and until you know they’re no longer contagious.